Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classics, 2022

Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classics, 2022

June 2022 found Steve with Ben and PJ as crew at the Classics Regatta.

In May, Steve had enlisted his crew, determined to be ready for the Suffolk Yacht Harbour Classics, Friday 10 – Sunday 12 June, 2022.

PJ arrives just in time to sneak over the Marina sill on the evening tide at 2030, and they motor down to Ramsholt to pick up Billy’s buoy. It’s an early start on Friday, slipping the buoy to motor down to Felixstowe Ferry and cross the Deben Bar at 0600. They motor down the coast against wind and tide in a rather lumpy sea arriving in Harwich Harbour 0930. After an enjoyable sail up the Stour to Wrabness and back they went into Suffolk YH at Levington to moor up in front of the Lightship with other boats gathering for the Classics.

Racing is due to start on Saturday at 1040. Just before the start, they witnessed a potentially dangerous collision between ‘Rely’ and ‘Lynx’. Steve and his crew decide to ‘follow the fleet’, rather than race, and are surprised to find they’re given third place at the end of the day! The weather was glorious, with a sunny, warm evening spent on the deck of ‘Cachalot’ eating pizzas and enjoying the company of several ‘Young Gaffers’ who had been racing on ‘Sweet Return’. Steve had given the main cabin bunks to PJ and Ben so Bev joined him in the forepeak – it’s just about comfortable enough for two, but VERY low on headroom! The forecast for Sunday was less windy so Steve took out the reef and Bev joined the crew for another enjoyable day following the fleet out in the bay. It’s an early rise on Monday 13 June with HW at Woodbridge Haven, 1125. ‘Cachalot’ leaves her berth at 0730 to motor sail up the coast in fair winds and crosses the Deben Bar at 1015, arriving back in the Tidemill YH 1230.