
Coachroof interior and OGA trophy, 2022

Steve was thrilled to be awarded the East Coast OGA Concours d’Elegance trophy for ‘Cachalot’ after the Summer Cruise, 2022.

Steve’s keen that the boat is looking her best for the OGA Summer Cruise and spends several days mending winter damage to the capping rail and applying numerous coats of varnish in the warm, balmy weather that has arrived since June. We also decide it’s time to tackle the interior of the coachroof, left untouched during all the other renovations. We strip everything out, remove all the portholes and give it a thorough clean.

Steve has an idea to run a handrail along the full length of the coachroof on both sides, to tidy up the rather unsightly ‘join’ and serve a useful purpose. Intending to purchase timber and shape it, he finds a supplier in Sheffield who makes ready moulded pig’s ear handrails. The only problem is that they won’t arrive at the Tidemill until the day before we have to leave for the OGA Summer Cruise . . . The handrail arrived on Thursday morning, 21 July. We must leave the Tidemill on Friday evening’s tide . . . Steve is sure he has time to fit the rails and starts to measure up and plan his work. This includes a custom-made new brass rail for the hand towels above the stove, made in the shed at home. True to form, by Friday lunchtime, both new rails and all the other replaced fittings are in place – with caution not to use the handrails ‘in earnest’ as the full length is only secured with four screws on each side! However, they do look really good, and certainly finish off the interior with style, form and function.

The final day of the East Coast OGA Summer Cruise, 2022 was spent in Lowestoft with the Excelsior Trust, celebrating her 100th birthday. Several OGA boats joined the racing and others who did not sail to Lowestoft arrived by car for the buffet and prize giving, hosted by the Royal Norfolk and Suffolk Yacht Club. Steve was thrilled to be awarded the Concours d’Elegance Trophy.