Mast, spars and brightwork
Once again, Steve was thwarted in getting as much done as he’d hoped, dodging showers and rainstorms forcing breaks in varnishing the spars. At last the storms have abated and the mast was re-stepped on 25 June, 2024.
Having returned from a short trip to Scotland, again curtailed by chilly, wet weather we drove back down to Suffolk on Monday 10 June, 2024 hoping to complete all the work on the mast, spars and brightwork. By Saturday the mast was finished with all the rigging serviced, cleaned, checked and back in place. Marco, Rick and Ben helped Steve walk it round to the crane, ready for going back in on Monday 17 June.

By Saturday afternoon it was raining again, continuing into Sunday with strong winds. The stormy weather seems to be across the whole country. We postponed putting the mast back in until Tuesday 25 June and returned to Derbyshire to meet up with Simon and Jake who were spending the weekend climbing on High Tor, Matlock Bath.
With high water at 1530 on 25 June, Steve and Rick motored ‘Cachalot’ round to the pontoon below the crane ready to re-step the mast. Richard noticed some of the rigging had got twisted at the top of the mast. Guy was hoisted up to tidy it up before Steve motored back before the water receded.